Chinmaya Sanskriti 23

Varnajaalam - Rangoli


1. Dasavatharam

2. Visharoopa Dharshan

3. Mahabharatham characters or scenes

Team composition

1. No of teams per college: 1

2. No. of participants per team: 2


1. Time Limit - 1 Hour

2. Allotted Area Per Team - 3ft x 3ft

3. Participants are requested to bring their own materials (color powders, flower petals, grains, rice flour, natural materials etc.).

4. Each team will be assigned a designated area for creating their rangoli.

5. The size of the rangoli must be within the specified dimensions provided by the organizers.

6. Participants must complete their rangoli within the given time frame.

7. Participants must ensure that their rangoli designs do not pose any safety hazards.


Judging Criteria

Based on creativity, technical skills, symmetry, complexity, originality, adherence to the theme, use of colours, neatness, and overall visual impact.


1. Winners will be awarded with shields and certificates based on the decision of the judges.

2. Participation certificates will be awarded to all the participants.