Chinmaya Sanskriti 23
General Guidelines

Raaga Tharangini - Solo Singing

Registration & Payment

1.  Click on the "Register Now" button and fill in the details.
2. Payment details will be available on the 3rd page of the form.
3. Screenshot of successful payment transaction should be uploaded. 
4. Registration will be initiated and Registration ID  along with file submission details will be sent to registered Email ID.
Register Now


1. Genre : Classical or Semi-classical

2. Film songs are not allowed in this event.

Preliminary Level - File Submission

1. Participant should record an audio of their song.

2. Audio file should be in the format of .mp3 or .wav.

3. Duration : Recorded audio should not exceed 3 mins.

4. Any kind of instrumental accompaniment or pre-recorded backing tracks (karaoke) is not allowed.

5. Rename the audio file as Registration ID.

6. File Submissiondetails will be sent to the registered Email ID after payment confirmation.

7. Enter the Registration ID  and registered Mobile Number correctly to avoid Disqualification.

8. Upload the audio file in the form to compete in the event.

9. Results of participants selected to the next levelwill be published in this website on 23.11.2023.

Secondary Level

Secondary Level of competition will be held onstage for all the shortlisted candidates on December 2, 2023 at Madurai.

Judging Criteria

Based on their Presentation, Composition, Shruthi, Thala, Voice clarity, stage presence, technical skill, and overall performance.


1.  Winners will be awarded with shields and certificates based on the decision of the judges.

2.  Participation certificates will be awarded to all the participants.